"Parables represent a unique form of communication. Instead of merely attempting to change what we think they fundamentally seek to transform who we are.
An effective parable challenges the way we view the world, invites us to wrestle with its meaning and provokes us to respond." - Peter Rollins

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Which one will you feed?

Once not long ago a young girl sat the the feet of her Rabbi and listened to him teach. They were at a zoo and as Rabbis often do he used the imagery all around them to give his lessons.

They were near a cage containing two lions. One of the Lions appeared to be larger and much better cared for. As the zoo attendants came to bring the lions their meal the rabbi called the girl's attention to what was taking place.

Both Lions approached the food at the same time. Then there was a terrible roar from the larger lion followed by swiping of claws and a gnashing of teeth. The smaller weaker lion was knocked away from the food and the larger lion ate her fill.

The student turned to her Rabbi to question him but he silenced her.

"This same struggle goes on in each of us, we want joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, generosity, and faith. Yet we also harbor anger, envy, greed, arrogance, resentment, pride, and ego." he wispered.

The student pondered this then asked "Which lion will win?"

"The one you feed will always be stronger."

"Then if I feed the one there is no hope for the other?"

"Nether will ever kill the other so there is always hope."

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