"Parables represent a unique form of communication. Instead of merely attempting to change what we think they fundamentally seek to transform who we are.
An effective parable challenges the way we view the world, invites us to wrestle with its meaning and provokes us to respond." - Peter Rollins

Sunday, October 10, 2010

This Too Shall Pass

A Woman went to her pastor and said, "My prayer life is horrible! I feel so distracted, and unfocused. I can't remember who or what I promised to pray for through out the day, and worst of all I often fall asleep. It's just horrible!"

"Don't fret sister, this too shall pass," the pastor said matter-of-factly.

A month later, She came back to her pastor, "My prayer life is wonderful! I feel so aware, so connected, so alive! It's just wonderful!'

"Don't fret sister, this too shall pass," the pastor said matter-of-factly.



In life we often pass through phases of connectedness to the divine.

These phases have been called spiritual deserts, spiritual winters, seasons of dryness, being on fire, baptized in the spirit, ect...

Many pastors, writers, and theologians have devoted much energy to helping people through the down and dry phases while ignoring that the place they desire to move their charges "back to" is simply an equal part of the ebb and flow of our human brokenness.

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